Events - Month View
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Lorraine throws a long weekend party for cruisers with lots of fun and entertainment around St. Patrick’s Day. Join a Corinthian delegation to the party!
University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography
Join fellow Corinthians at the URI School of Oceanography Narragansett Campus for a tour of the RV Endeavor, the Marine Geological Samples Lab, and the Research Aquarium.
Lorraine throws a long weekend party for cruisers with lots of fun and entertainment around St. Patrick’s Day. Join a Corinthian delegation to the party!
Annapolis Friends Meeting House
(CB) Key Bridge Presentation with Guest Speaker Paul Hankins (Salvage Operations). Please feel free to register and bring friends and family to find out how this disaster unfolded! We look forward to seeing you there!
Registration fee for Members and Guests includes refreshments.
Sunday Morning "Coffee" Gam @ Norwalk YC
Capt. Rick Delfosse presents "Cruising Independence: Fiji Islands and Australia